Of the 30 people who voted:
6 want a Bookstore
5 want a Beauty and Make-up Store, such as Bath and Body Works or Aveda
4 want a Housewares Store, such as Cost Plus or Pier One
2 want a Gaming Store, such as EB Gamestore
2 want a National Clothing Store, such as Forever 21 or Urban Outfitters
1 wants a Wine Store, and
10 people wrote in a specific business, which included:
- Whole Foods
- Bob's Big Boy
- See's Candy
- Wal-Mart
Community members ate hot dogs, played a water balloon toss and visited booths at the Aug. 20 Walnut Avenue block party. |
Have more ideas? Contact our R/ED Team at jmclain@ci.monrovia.ca.us.